Best Unit Trust Platform In Malaysia

In Malaysia, unit trust/mutual fund is a popular choice for investment since it has consider moderate risk and return. There are many ways to buy unit trust such as buying directly from the fund provider or via a broker.

One of the most popular to buy is via an unit trust consultant (UTC). Public Mutual is one of the most popular choice since it has many awards.

However, buying unit trust through an agent cost you money at 3-7% (this is to pay the UTC for their commission). This means when you buy a fund you lose 3-7% upfront and no way to recover this cost other than slowly waiting for the fund to appreciate in value.

Fortunately buying via an agent is not the only choice for Malaysians as we have Fundsupermart which is a low cost unit trust platform that only cost around 2% sales charge for all funds. If you sign up via my link you will have a further discount of 1% for your sales charge for 1 month, meaning it only cost you 1% for your investment.

During certain holidays such as Merdeka, there is even discounted sales charge as low as 0.57%(During 57th Merdeka Anniversary)

There are many choices of funds including equity funds, bond funds and balance funds.

Personally I am a firm believer of Kenanga Growth Fund since it outperform the market most of the time.

I hope that you find value in my post.

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